Fear Agent™ RPG for Savage Worlds Kickstarter: Now With Un-Stretch Goal PDFs!

Published On: April 4, 2017Categories: News

FearAgent_cards“I’m not a big sci-fi or military guy, but I do like scrappy fighters on the fringes of society who roll up their sleeves and punch more powerful adversaries in the face, and Fear Agent™ has that in spades.” —Tommy Brownell in his review on The Most Unread Blog on the Internet. Ever. 

Fear Agent™ RPG is a pulp science fiction setting, but one seasoned with a touch of horror, a little bit of military action, and a splash of a good, old-fashioned Western. There’s a strong element of exploration, not only of unknown worlds, but also the strange alien races that make up the United Systems. We got scrappy fighters…in space!

Fear Agent™ RPG for Savage Worlds Kickstarter has unlocked five stretch goals including one Savage Sampler Un-Stretch Goal! Read more about the Savage Sampler Un-Stretch Goal here (which applies to both The Goon™ RPG and Fear Agent™ RPG Kickstarters and is a terrific deal). It includes PDFs of the Deadlands Player’s Guide and Marshal’s Handbook, Rippers Resurrected Player’s Guide and Game Master’s Handbook, The Last Parsec Core, and East Texas University.

A form-fillable character sheet, a complete set of pre-generated Archetype characters, a custom Combat Options chart, and Creature Cards are also coming to all backers for FREE as unlocked stretch goals! That’s a lotta loot. Seein’ as how the lowest reward level is $25 for Digital, and you’re gettin’ more than $80 worth of digital rewards…lemme do the math here…

Join the fight in the Fear Agent™ RPG for Savage Worlds Kickstarter today! Those alien pests won’t kill themselves!

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